Started as Chair for the Markey Cancer Center Evidence Based Practice Council today. (wow, we have a long It wasn't too bad. I'm too polite to be in charge of anything. I have a hard time keeping people directed and on task. In other words, I need to get better at telling people to shut up and get back to business. :) All in all, I liked it. I have to figure out what to do with all the paperwork involved, I can't leave it at work anywhere, and I hate to bring work home...I'm sure I'll figure something out.
The kids started school yesterday. I'm now the mom to a 7th grader and 4th grader. WOW! I feel old. Todd is doing so much better this year. He's excited because the majority of his teachers have something to do with the academic team. He didn't make it last year cause he chokes when it comes to tests, but he's ready for it this year. He's still playing french horn, and I'm pretty sure he's the only one in his grade. He promised to not give me trouble this year and for the first time is excited about going to school. Erin is her usual bubbly self and ready for whatever the world throws at her. That girl is my hero! She can take anything and just roll with it. I wish I could be more like that. She informed me during the Teen Choice awards last night that she is able to try out for chorus and drama since she is in 4th grade and would like to do that. So in addition to art club and girl scouts, she's getting into music and drama, yay!
I love is my life! It seems like most of my life is spent at a field of some kind. It used to just be baseball with Todd, then Erin started playing softball a couple years back. She hung up her glove in exchange for a soccer ball last year and loves it. So in the next month, I will have Todd playing in Senior League Fall baseball, and Erin will be playing fall soccer. Somehow between all their activities, I have to find time to work and maybe clean a house. OH MY!!!
hope everyone is doing well!!!
love ya