Saturday, November 21, 2009


I can understand a lot of things in life...i deal with death at work almost every day. what i can't understand is what could make a 12yr old decide to take their own life. one of todd's friends died yesterday. the rumor is that he was found in his room after he hung himself. what could possibly make a 12 yr old child decide that was the only answer?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear that. I wish I knew what is making our kids decide younger and younger that they don't want to live any more. Earlier this year, right after my father died, J had a bad reaction to a new ADHD medicine. He flipped out and tried to kill himself. He had turned 11 only the week before. I was able to intervene in time and get him the help he needed, thank God. My thoughts and sympathy are with you, Todd, and that poor boy's family.
