Friday, July 3, 2009

the last 15 reverse :)

I had to go backwards with this cause I couldn't remember all the details. Start at the bottom and read up so that it all makes sense

(Becky you might want to skip some of this if you read it...sorry)

2009-so far so good! been enjoying the kids and life. Todd is 12 and Erin is 9. Still working at Markey Cancer Center as a nurse-been there for 6 years now. Life still has it's ups and downs, but I can handle it all because I know that all things are possible with God. I used to have a lot of anger towards Roy for a lot of things-but I don't anymore. I forgive too much, if that is possible. My job can be very difficult..I deal with a lot of death and depressed patients/families/co-workers.

2008-pretty good year. It was a year of healing. I had surgery towards the end of 2007 so I was physically healing. Learning how to love again-emotionally healing. Still adjusting to not being able to just get a hug from my dad to make my day better. But I have pictures and memories. And his blanket is almost as good as a hug. Todd starts Middle School this year! 6th grade. wow. Erin has surgery #8 for ear tubes....still waiting on her to grow a little. Little Bit is still trying to reach the 50 pound/50 inch tall mark.

2007-Not a good year. Split up from hubby (he won't hold a job and I found some questionable phone numbers and other things to indicate he wasn't faithful) and moved out and lost my dad and that was all before the middle of January. Picking up the pieces and moving on, cause that's what i do :) In July I started dating a wonderful man and learning what it's like to be like most other people-just a single mom that works. It was hard to not have to go check on Daddy every day, but a strange relief too. Had to have my galbladder out in March and in December I had to have a total hysterectomy. I also rededicated my life to God. What a year!

2006-Stressful year, but most of the stress was going away. Nursing Graduation/College Graduation happened in May. New marriage happened in March. It was a quick whirlwind kind of thing. Lots of adjustments with living life and not having homework anymore. :) John is the new hubby and very helpful with my dad. Daddy has trouble getting around and I have to do most of his care. My mom is coming around and helping out alot more. The kids are a little afraid to be around him I think. He would hate that, if he still knew who they were. He thinks Erin is me most of the time. That's hard. But he knows who I am too. Wonder what it's like in his mind.

2005-still trying to get through. lots of doctor appts. Erin is always going to either family doc or ear doc. She's 5 and has had 5 surgeries. 5 sets of ear tubes. The doctor keeps saying she will outgrow this problem. I hope so. Daddy has a lot of appts too. I had to take his keys away. That was NOT fun. My mom is in denial with most of what's happening with him. Todd is 8yrs old and having problems with school and anger issues with the divorce and problems with Grandpa. Roy has remarried and it's hard on the kids. Still playing baseball and I'm trying to keep things stable for them both on my end. Met a really great guy and getting swept off my feet :)

2004-tough times are happening. Daddy's health is going downhill, grades are dropping. It's hard to work, go to class and clinicals and get the kids where they need to be. Had to quit the job at Cracker Barrel. Only working at UK now. Didn't pass one of my classes by 1 point. I have to sit out a semester of school. This means instead of graduation in 2005, I will be done in 2006.

2003-School going great, making all A's. Working at Cracker Barrel and Dover Manor Nursing home until July-then started working at UK Markey Cancer Center as a nursing care tech. Enrolled in the nursing program on a rolling admission (that's a good thing) Todd is 6 and Erin is 4. So far Erin has been through 3 surgeries- 3 sets of ear tubes and with the last surgery she had her tonsils and adenoids removed. My baby no longer sounds like Darth Vader. Kids are adjusting to life with divorced parents. Trying to keep things as normal as possible.

2002-Started going back to school, decided nursing is the way to go. Todd starts playing Tball. Erin learns the joys of the ballpark. Marriage fell apart (no big surprise there) Roy leaves the day after Father's day. I pick up the pieces and move forward as a single working mom/college student. Working at Cracker Barrel and Dover Manor Nursing Home.

2001-Living life, thinking about the future and if I should go back to school. Todd is in preschool and 4yrs old. Erin turns 2 and enjoys going to Todd's school to see the kids. (She's always been a

2000-Moved back to KY in May. Todd and Erin got to see what it was like to live in a house with a yard full of grass and trees! Very happy to be back home and near my dad again. Todd is 3 years old and Erin celebrated her first birthday in KY.

1999-Came to KY for a visit, found out I was pregnant again (very happy) Marriage went through some rough times-but we were soldiering on. Todd turned 2 years old. Erin was born in October.

1998-Living life on an Air Force base and enjoying life for the most part. Marriage wasn't exactly what I thought it was supposed to be, but I was in love and mostly happy.

1997-Moved to AZ in January, Todd was born in March.

1996-Graduated high school, got married.


  1. Thank you for the update. I remember coming to visit with you sometimes when you lived just "down the road" from my mom's house on Morris Road. I know what you mean about not being able to believe your kid is in middle school! My Jamie starts 6th grade next year, and I'm terrified! If he gets into HALF the trouble I did in middle school, he'll drive me insane. I don't know HOW my mother stood those awful years! How is Erin doing now? I'd love to see what they look like now. The last time I saw them was when both Jamie and Todd were playing basketball, I think that was when Jamie was in 1st grade and Todd was in 2nd. Please keep in touch with me! My e-mail is jenn (underscore) hacker (at) satx (dot) rr (dot) com or jenn (dot) hacker (at) gmail (dot) com. Either way, I'll get it.

  2. What an amazing blog post! Thank you for sharing that stuff. I'm going to check out your kid pics on facebook. I hope to hear more from you and to get back in touch. You look so beautiful in your profile pic on facebook! And I can not, absolutely not, imagine making it through nursing school under any circumstances, especially the ones you described here. Congratulations. I've heard it's one of the hardest programs out there, and have heard that lots of super smart people never make it trhough. Very impressed, but not suprised. Thanks again for the update, and I miss your giggle!

  3. Wow! What an update! Thanks for sharing. It's good to hear from you again.
