Sunday, July 19, 2009

promotion..Madam Chairwoman, I presume??

I am on a council at's incredibly boring to describe, but we basically get together once a month and review policies that need to be updated and try to find ways to make the nursing process more accessible to the staff. Always shooting for bigger and theory. I still see myself as a child with a lot of things. I've only been in the working world for 7 years (6 of them at Markey). That's a drop in the bucket compared to some people I know. Recently one of the members took a position higher up on the food chain. She was the Chair for the group. My manager has volunteered me to replace her as chair! Part of me is excited about that. I kind of miss the whole school thing, but I'm not ready to go back-so this gives me reason to research. But there is something about doing things because I want to do them, not because I have to do them that is making me drag my feet about saying yes to the position. It means having to do some work at home. No pay raise. Once a month I run a meeting. ME! The person who doesn't like attention or tell people what to do has to keep people on track. If you read the post about my last 15 years, you know that I have been really busy and in my opinion haven't been able to put my family first for a long time. Now that things are calming down, I am able to have fun with my kids. I have more free time to play and be goofy. It's kind of nice to say yes for once when the kids want to go throw a baseball, or kick a soccer ball, or go roller skating. Why would I want to do something to take up my free time? I'm caught in a competition in a way with my manager and the manager for the other floor. My boss feels like one of us should chair since the other floor has represented for the last 10 years or so. And with my only 6 years of experience, i am somehow the more experienced of the two of us from my floor. (Hope I haven't lost anyone yet, this is mindless Anyway, the current stand in for chair has said that she will take me under her wing and we will work together for a while until i decide if i want to do it or not...what do you guys think?


  1. Wow. Tough call. On the one hand, I can totally relate to not wanting to do anything at home that would take away from the time you're finally getting to have with T & E. On the other hand, while it won't lead to an increase in pay right now, it may look spiffy in your work history and make your employer more likely to give a raise/promotion based on your willingness to try new things. Also, if you are working with the current stand-in for chair, it gives you the opportunity to see just how much work is involved and still have the ability to say "no" later if it turns out to be more work. That being said, it is still your decision, and you must do what you think is right for your family. Sorry if I wasn't much help. :-)

  2. If it isn't something you don't want to do, don't do it.

    Simplistic, I know. Dad said if you're gonna do a job, do it right, or don't do it at all. If you don't want to do it, you're not going to do it right. You might flounder, you'll be uneasy, you'll resent it, and it's not worth the stress.

    Don't waste time on the things you think you should do because others think you should. You've worked hard and you've earned the right to spend your time, money, and passion on the things that truly interest you and really matter.

    FWIW, I've been in my career for 12 years--I still have days where I feel very green, and surprised that people value my opinion. The trick is holding on the idea that you are valued for a reason and don't let the insecurity eat you. There is a reason you were volunteered, and that is flattering--but were you volunteered because you really are the best for the job and the job is perfect for *you*, or because you'll satisfy someone else's sense of order?

    I hope this doesn't sound harsh or insulting. You know you're my hero--take the time now while you can. If this is something for you, you'll have a chance at it later. Who knows--something else could come along that would be perfect, and taking this position could prevent you from doing something you would love.

  3. very good points....i have decided that i will see what the position involves and make a more permanent decision from there. the more i have thought about it, the more i have decided that it will be nice to be on top of things in the nursing world as far as Markey goes...I noticed today that I am a resource for the new nurses and even some experienced ones. So today, I feel worthy...let's see what tomorrow holds...

  4. Glad to know you feel worthy, and hope you continue to feel that way - regardless of if you decide the accept the nomination or not. :-)

  5. How odd--the day after you posted this, my boss approached me with a job opportunity--a possible promotion. And since you had asked the question and I had thought through good reasons to say yes and feel like I'm providing value, I've spent all week preparing a cover letter and updating my resume. No hesitation.

    I'll be going against some 200 people (the known applicant count so far). We'll see. It'll be tough to get, but I don't feel any particular pressure to move and that's how things felt when I applied for the job I have now.

  6. congratulations to both of you on being nominated for promotions.

  7. Oh, wow! That's awesome for both of you. Becca, please update your blog when you find out something, okay?

    And Jamie, update your blog once you get rolling on that chair position and see how you like it, please!
